Friday, October 22, 2010

Chiang Mai - Part 2

Tuesday 12th October

When we got back from the trek, we were more or less straight into the showers and into clean clothes because each and every one of us had run out on the trek!

We ordered pizza and KFC for dinner because the thought of heading out, and back and then out again seemed like cruelty. Check out the awesome KFC delivery scooter! The pizza was pretty decent, though it did lead to an odd conversation where I had to explain to young Kevin that pizza does not come from Chicago, it comes from Italy, and pizza in Italy is not "shit", it's just very different - it has a thin base!

Afterwards, Lpong, the guy who owns the Spicy hostels in Thailand and Laos, brought us all out to Rooftop bar for one of the English girl's birthday. I think her name was Danni, but it could easily have been Sam. Yeah . . . I'm awesome at memory . . . whoops! He drove the SpiceMobile, and 18 of us packed into the back of it. It's basically a large truck thing, I'll take a picture later. It was very funny. Some people had to sit on the floor, which is an interesting experience in a packed truck on roads that aren't awesome. Also, Lpong stayed out with us all night partying and then drove us home later. Here he is on the left.

Rooftop was pretty awesome and a guy, who said he was the owner - but may not have been - told us that he had never seen so many people in one group in the place. While there, I got talking to Fran and Jo-anne, who will probably be in Cairns while I'm there, so I may have found some white water rafting buddies!

About two most of us headed home and some went on to Spicy, though Lpong drove us all, dropped off the late-nighters and then went back with the rest of us to the hostel. Sleep was much appreciated after the trekking and the drinking!

Wednesday 13th

Me and Dave headed out the tiger sanctuary in the morning and I'm sure you've seen the pictures on Facebook by now. If not, check it out. The youngest tigers were just like giant kittens, playing and fighting. They all seemed well looked after and I didn't see a single instance of abuse, or anything close to it. If anything, the handlers seemed very fond of the cubs and did their utmost to look after them.

The bigger tigers were an experience. Obviously these guys were drugged, and I'll not pretend otherwise. That said, they could still move around so they obviously weren't too drugged. It's not like they were being kept on the point on unconsciousness. And, much like I pointed out with the elephants, these particular tigers would probably be dead if they weren't kept in the sanctuary. The living spaces seemed quite big, though obviously not as big as the wild. It's hard to make an objective judgement on the whole thing, because I don't know enough, but for my part, I wasn't disgusted or outraged by the experience, so I'll leave it there.

Later that night Noom took us out for street food, which is the best way to eat in Thailand and then we went bowling. Noom levels a challange to all he takes bowling; if you can beat his best score on the night, then you get a free night in the hostel.

It was pretty close for a little while, both Kenny and Dave seemed to be giving him a run for his money, but in the end Noom was triumphant and no one got to sleep for free that night! Sad face!

Thursday 14th

Lpong took us out again, this time to a local Thai buffet barbecue place . . . and if you think Jimmy Chung's is awesome, well - it is, but not as awesome as this place. Check this shit out.

It's just in a giant warehouse off the main road and it's fricking amazing. The food was sooooo good. I nearly got sick I ate so much! Also, dessert! Unfortunately the profitteroles had custard in them, not cream - but I didn't cry, don't worry!

You also have the option of cooking your own meet on one of this little cooker things. Totally cool, and funny as hell.

Afterwards, me and Fran and Jo-Anne and Anna (from German) headed to the local student market and then the night market with Marc as our guide and negotiator with taxi drivers. He's good. I bought some t-shirts and some of the girls bought other stuff.

Then we headed back to drink with the other guys, who were basically celebrating their last night. Mat and Dave were off to Ko Pi Pi and then Full Moon, which I'll be heading to in November, hopefully. The German girls, Anna and Josefin were going to Pai, where I met them on Sunday.

Got back to the hostel to find everything going pretty well, except that young Kevin was off his face having drank a full shoulder of cheap Thai rum in the hour and a bit we were gone. Even the two English guys, who can drink, had only finished half their bottles. Let's not go into too much detail, but there was throwing up later.

A lot of it.

I've said it before, and I'll probably have to keep saying it, but American's can't drink for shit.

The next morning he kinda just disappeared off to Chiang Ri without saying much, I reckon he was still drunk. The rest of us just kinda hung round and said good bye to the others. Marc took me and Brent (from Canada) to a place he knew for dinner and we were more or less the only people staying in the hostel until and English couple turned up at about midnight.

Not much else to say really, just kinda chilled and read and wandered until I headed off to Pai on Sunday. Hit up a night-club/bar on Saturday, and I did see a Thai band playing Aerosmith "Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" though. That was pretty funny!

Talks for reading, miss you all so much (but not quite enough to come home!!!!)

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