Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I just woke up from a really fucking weird dream, about the impending zombie apocalypse (come on, you all know its either gonna be the zombies or the robots that get us).

It was pretty awful since most of you died at some point, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't gonna survive. I did get to molotov cocktail about six zombies at one stage though - awesomes! Now Freud, that rascally aul genius would probably tell you that it was all some seperation anxiety thing, but I'm here to tell you Freud really is just an idiot. Probably, I really am just worried about the zombie apocalypse.

Anyway, in case it really is worry about being away, just thought I'd say, see ye all soon! It's not that long - so try not to have the zombie apocalypse til I get back, cool?

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