Friday, November 12, 2010

One for the boys . . .

9th November 2010

This one is for the boys . . . but ladies, you can look as well.


Okay, no explosions. But definitely guns!

Bout 35 mins in a tuk tuk from the hostel in a shooting range, run by the Cambodia army. You get there, you get givin a menu, and then you pick your guns. I won't lie, this is an expensive trip, but something I've been planning for a few weeks now, and every so often you have to splash out on some fun.
I started with the AK47.

But before we start let me relate a little story that I think of every single time someone says AK47. Way back when we were in tranisition year we did this radio project, with Blackrock and St. Michael's. As part of it, we interviewed our principal, Mr Murphy (Carrie's dad to some of you and just a complete lunatic to some of the rest of us). At the very start of the interview, he made what we have all always hoped was a joke, but probably wasn't.

Speaking about his job, in his weird mixture of Russian and Kerry accents (he's not in the least bit from Russia) he said, "Some days I'd just like to line up all the students and shoot them with an AK47 . . . you're not recording that are you . . ." And we were, but obviously we couldn't use it! Pity though that nobody still has that recording! 

At first when he put in the slot thing, I was a bit like, meh - that sucks - but after firing it I was happy it was there. The kick on that thing was insane! It was also cool to see the little flare of flame bursting out the nozzle like a weird corona of some kind (corona is not just a beer, it's like a halo on it's side).

And as you can see, auto-fire just eats through bullets!

Next up, the handgun. This was really cool, but still the kick was unexpected. It really was strong. Not uncontrollable after some practice, but still, more than I would have expected. I did pretty well with this actually. Most of my shots hit near the centre and one hit the bull's eye. Again, all the BB gun shooting comes in handy sometimes . . .

Also, the gun kept jamming. I'm sure I could have sorted it, but the guy was very insistant that I not mess with the guns myself. At least while loaded.

And then my personal favourite, what I was really most looking forward too! And my favourite photo as well . . .

I CALL SHOT GUN SHOTGUN!!! (I call 9mm! Prizes if you get that joke and aren't Neena)

One thing I will say is that it's surprising how easy to pull back the reloader thing is. It's actually not as tough as they sometimes make it look in films. Very smooth.

The kick on this thing was mad, you'll see it in the video. I still have a bruise from it slamming into me, over and over. But it was so worth it. You'll also see me pop a round out by accident without firing it. I think it was just because I liked cocking it more than firing almost! So awesome though!

And last put not least, I'll just give this picture a mention. It's not my favourite, though it's pretty awesome, but it is the one that has garnered the most attention from all of you guys! You seem to love it. I've even been told I look like a terrorist (thanks Jo-Anne!)! How awesome is that! I was going for freedom fighter from the future war against the machines, but hey!

So that's it boys! Guns for teh wins!

It was awesome!

Talk soon,
Beardslinger out!

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