Monday, August 30, 2010

Prime Posting

This is (quite obviously) my first post on the blog that I may or may not stick with as I travel around Japan, South-east Asia and Australia. You can tell it's the first one because it's the furthest down the page. Or because it's the only post, if this idea goes really badly.

I may also be on the radio - why? I hear you mutter to yourself. Why would Shane be on an Irish radio station, talking about his adventures in foreignland? Coz I'm awesome? No, actually, though I may still be awesome. One word: Lonsdale.

So anyway, you may have noticed I'm including hyperlinks to certain things. Some of these will be informative (such as the above link to Australia on Google Maps), most will be completely pointless (like the link to 14 Bizarre Japanese Toys, which I infer is a discription of Japan). Some few will attempt to be both misleading and humorous - like the link to the Lonsdale clothing company when I clearly meant the flowery dress wearing girl. As a rule you should click on none of these links.

Further to this I will probably also include what music I'm currently listening to while I'm ag blogail. There'll probably be a general theme to the songs (read: angry)

By way of example -
Right now I'm listening to Disturbed's "Never Again", which contains the awesome line, "a generation that was persecuted endlessly, exterminated by the Nazi war machine, we will remember, let the story be told to realise how we lost our humanity . . . you try to tell that there never was a holocaust?"

Before that I was listening to Taylor Momsen's band, The Pretty Reckless. Pretty decent actually. By the way, if you looked at that link, you should know, she's seventeen. Kids today!

I'll tell you what I'm reading too, and whether or not it's worth reading for yerselves.

Right now, for instance, I'm reading Blood Meridian, by that guy who wrote The Road and No Country For Old Men. It's about cowboys, and in the first few pages there's been a priest killed, a knife fight and a hotel burnt to the ground. I like it. It's kinda like Red Dead Redemption, but with less wholesome characters. Seriously.

I'll probably also include pictures.

In this example, you can see me, in my batman hoodie. My bedroom wall, and it's pictures are behind me, looking awesome.

Most of the rest of the pictures will hopefully be more interesting. Want to be, says you.

Now, you may have some questions as to why you are reading this blog. Well, truth is, I can't tell you that. I have no frakkin' clue why you're reading this, or even if you are. You fucking better be though!

I can tell you why I'm writing it though. Curiosity, because I was told to, and because Sinead started it. Let the War of The Blogs begin!!!

So now that you've accepted the terms and conditions of this blog (you have, didn't you notice?) let's move on.

For the first leg of this trip I'll be travelling with my sidekicks Jewbels and Shinzer, known to their friends as Neena and Sinead, but to me it's The Money and The Hooker. (Hopefully they won't read this til I'm in South Korea).

After that I'll be on my lonesome for awhile, til I get to Australia, when I'll be with family over there, and possibly family from here, all going according to plan.

The plan is that I'll let this thing "go live" (which means send ye all a link) right before I leave for Japan, and then hopefully ye'll have a few different things to read when ye get started . . . you know, to quell the terrible pangs of my being gone. If you stumble on it before that - well fuck you for ruining a perfectly good plan.

Anyway, this is Shane, and this has been post number one. Maybe some day there'll be a post #2.

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