Monday, November 8, 2010

Comments, Questions . . . or just abuse . . . ?

Talk to me bitches!

Not really, but I just thought I'd take the time to say, you may all feel absolutely free to leave comments if you feel like it . . . It's been 9 weeks and 28 posts and not a single comment.

Which is fine, unless people feel like they shouldn't be leaving them, which of course they can! I don't mind.

Anyway, just so this post isn't wasted, I thought I'd include something else.

Click here

That's right, you've been rickrolled. How juvenile of me!

Later dudes,


  1. I didn't realise you COULD leave comments!
    A very short one for you here: Thanks for brightening up my lunch breaks! :)

  2. Ill comment: I didnt get rickrolled cos i scrolled down further lol :)

  3. Damn your clever ways Sinead! Japan has made you wise!
